Dr. Mamdouh Koraitim is an Professor, Department of Urology, College of Medicine, University of Alexandria, Egypt. Koraitim, Mamdouh Mohamed was born on December 5, 1936 in Beheira, Egypt. He did his Bachelor of Medicine, BChir, in 1959; Diploma urology in 1962, Diploma surgery in 1963, Doctor of Medicine in Urology in 1966 all at University of Alexandria, Egypt.he worked as an demonstrator Faculty of Medicine in the same University in 1962-1967, lecturer in 1967-1972, Associate professor 1972-1977, Professor since 1977, Chairman of urology department in 1985-1992 and Dean faculty of medicine at Beirut Arab University, Lebanon in 1998-2000. The main objectives of his one of the published articles is to develop a plan that would optimise the outcome after an anastomotic repair of a pelvic fracture urethral injury (PFUI). Others may include effect of early realignment of posterior urethral injury on the length and delayed repair of ensuing urethral defect, Assessment and management of an open bladder neck at posterior urethroplasty. He won recipient National award in Medicine. He was an expertise in Andrology,Traumatology and Urology.