Biography: Akram Fayed
Trauma to the gravid uterus is the most common non obstetrical cause of death in pregnant women. It is important to suspect pregnancy in any female in the childbearing age presenting with trauma. Specific anatomical and physiological changes develop during the varying stages of pregnancy to the mother and the uterus make the likelihood of injury during pregnancy high. A number of mechanisms are involved in the blunt trauma of the gravid uterus incluing road traffic accidents, falls and domestic violence. Causes of death identified following trauma of the gravid uterus include: hypovolemic shock, head and neck injuries and respiratory failure. Important steps in management include: resuscitation and stabilization of the mother which takes a priority of the fetus. When vital signs cannot be stabilized, an emergency cesarean section could save the fetus. Prevention of gravid uterus trauma include public awareness of the magnitude of the problem, counseling regarding safety during driving and encouraging prompt reporting of domestic violence to the authority.
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